Here's one of America's favorite couples, Bridezilla and her hunky Hipster. Love the black nails!
The Bridezilla with Raggedy Anne and Military Girl:
Anonymous hipsters interacting:
After some time, we left the party to meet up with a friend at a bar in Nolita. Shortly thereafter, we ran into Britney Spears in rare form here. Gimme more! Note Raggedy Anne's receding hairline here - even dolls grow old and lose their hair, too.
After the weekend costume extravaganzas, there were work/office festivities, including a very competitive pumpkin carving contest. This was actually my very first time carving a pumpkin, believe it or not, so I was very excited. That meant I even managed to drag myself into work EARLY to get a jump on carving:
And the final result (thanks to Pete for the pic):

Okay, so you're probably wondering who the heck this pumpkin is supposed to be. Well, keep wondering. We liked our concept very much, but not that many others did. Hence, the lack of cheers during the shout-o-meter for our misunderstood pumpkin. The winning prize of Outback Steakhouse gift cards went to a bloodshot eyeball pumpkin (kind of like my eyes right after PRK), just because a girl standing next to the judges shrieked like a banshee. Just goes to show that no one understands creative genuis.
Then, on actual Halloween day, I headed down to PA to spend some time with my sister and brother-in-law. Trick-or-treating in the burbs! I got to give out candies to some nerds, a pirate girl, and some other goblins. Very cute, and very domestic. It reminded me of past Halloweens, going around neighborhoods with a group of friends, feeling your bag get heavier and heavier with each chocolate bar, and jostling with your friends to see who got to ring the doorbell at the next house. I love Halloween!
Meanwhile, back in RI, my poor Mom had a different experience a few days prior to Halloween when she got GHOSTED. Luckily, my halloween-savvy brother was able to explain to my mom that this was not a hate crime, but rather -- a new tradition of ghosting, where you ring someone's doorbell and leave them candies and treats with a chain letter. She was about to have the candies tested for traces of arsenic, but I think she's going to hold off on that now. If anyone would like to ghost ME by leaving candies, baubles and diamonds at my doorstep, I'll readily provide my address.
All in all, a very fun-filled week of festivities. I've always loved the last 3 months of the year, beginning with Halloween, as it marks the start of the holiday season, in my calendar. Now it's on to Thanksgiving!
Um... you better tell me what your pumpkin is RIGHT NOW and you also better have a GOOD explanation on WHY you didn't go with MY concept! You would've won, you know. I know what I'm talking about with this Halloween business!
Yeah, I AGREE!
Raggedy Anne is awesome!
Balding Raggedy Annes are even more awesome, so is a cracked out Brit.
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